Active travel in Pasadena
Pasadena is a beautiful city! Lots of people walk, bike, or ride transit for at least some of our trips. Here are some of our stories.
Diana Kohne
I spend a lot of time in Pasadena, probably because I can get around car free. I take the bus to class. My son and I also take the bus to his piano lessons in Pasadena. Usually, though, we walk to everything we need; the library, the park, out to lunch.
I like that exercise is built into my day. It's empowering to move yourself, for your food to be your only fuel. I'm a lot calmer and healthier than I was when I had my own car.
David Chiang
Any time we can, our favorite way to get around Pasadena for local trips is to bike, walk, or take Metro. Especially if it's just a quick jaunt to the park, to the grocery store, or even into Old Town to have dinner, walking or biking is just such an amazing way to get around.
When I'm on my bike or walking with my kids, I can talk to them, share with them, and spend quality time with them that no amount of sitting in the car together can match.
Christy Moision
I try to use my electric bike for as many trips as I can in Pasadena. Most weeks I don't drive at all. I have a bike trailer so I can do all my grocery shopping and other errands with my bike.
It's just fun to be on the bike! It's also just as fast as driving around town, and usually parking is close and convenient. It has also been great for my kids to grow up biking. They experienced a level of independence that a lot of kids don't have. We need safer streets to make active transportation a more viable option for more people.
Elina Sendonaris
I walk or bike to work, walk or bike to most of my friends' houses (I'm lucky that they live close by), drive to physical therapy appointments in Highland park, and usually drive, sometimes bike, for groceries. I bike to restaurants and Old Town on the weekends.
I love enjoying the great weather in Pasadena and being active clears my mind. Being active is so good for your mental and physical health and honestly it's a great way to spend time together with friends and family.
Jonah Kanner
I ride an electric bike everyday in Pasadena. I love that my bike is fast and convienient. It is fun, too!
I wish that more people understood that moving around Pasadena without a car is really easy and fast. Most of my trips in town are only 2 or 3 miles. I can cover that distance on my bike in 10 or 15 minutes, and it is easier than driving a car.
Cruzelena Sundquist
I only use my car for grocery shopping or driving out of town. I love to walk!
I wish more people understood how dangerous it looks to ride a bike in central Pasadena. I have a bicycle, but after having been hit by a car twice while riding, I am nervous about riding in town.
Jochen Strack
We walk and bike to church. We live close enough to walk to restaurants during the week.
We love riding our tandem bike for exercise and fresh air.
Please more bike lanes marked in green. More green marked bike ways will teach car drivers better to pay attention to bike riders. Give out free flag poles so that cars will learn to pay attention.
Bin Lee
I walk, use my e-bike, take Metro busses and trains, and Metro Micro to commute to work, go grocery shopping, and see friends. I like saving money by not paying for gas, parking, tickets, car insurance, car maintenance costs, and not worrying about depreciation.
I wish more people understood that the drivers, cyclists, pedestrians, folks using micro-mobility, and wheelchair users around you are your neighbors, not "inconveniences" for you to honk and speed past. We're just trying to get to where we need to go in one piece.
Andrew and Jenna Cobb
We do lots of walking to coffee or for fun and taking the Pasadena Transit 40 bus into Old Town for dinner!
We love getting to relax and chit-chat together, noticing new things in the neighborhood, and being around friendly neighbors.
Choosing alternative transportation options around town is not only a climate-friendly choice, it is also a positive choice for mental health. Seeing our community from our feet or from a bus makes it more familiar and more personal.