Why Pasadena needs safe Greenways
Greenways = safe streets for everyone!
Greenways have broad support from Pasadena residents, civic leaders and more than a dozen local organizations who want street improvements to reduce speeding on neighborhood streets.
Let’s make residential streets less like a freeway – and more like a Greenway!
What is a Greenway?
A Greenway is the name for a street that is safe for everyone, including drivers, cyclists and pedestrians. Greenways are designed for low speeds and low traffic volume.
Reduce traffic
Greenways help organize traffic. The greenways are planned on four low-volume streets that carry a tiny fraction of vehicle traffic in Pasadena. By encouraging more cycling on these neighborhood streets, we can improve traffic flow on major arterial roads. Details are in the Greenways Traffic Impacts Study.
Great for kids
Children need safe spaces to play outside, ride their bikes, and walk to school. Safe Greenways will help! In Palo Alto, CA, a network of safe Greenways helps 48% of students bike to school. This is great for kids, and also reduces the need for busy parents to sit in car-lines at pick up time. That’s why PUSD and other local schools support safe Greenways!
Accessibility and equity
Many people in Pasadena can’t drive because of barriers related to financial issues, disabilities, or other issues. For all of these people, safe routes for walking and biking are essential for their everyday trips.
Access for all vehicles
Greenways make streets safer while allowing access for cars and emergency vehicles. Simple traffic calming, like speed bumps with emergency vehicle cut-throughs, reduce speeding while providing access for everyone.
Great for residents
Everyone wants to live on a safe, quiet street! Residents on greenways will benefit from less cut-through traffic and reduced speeding on their streets.
Stronger, healthier community
Greenways make it easier for anyone to take a walk or a bike ride. Residents can spend time outside with neighbors and friends, support local businesses, and enjoy our beautiful city.
Transportation Options
We shouldn’t be forced to drive a car for every trip, every day. Walking and biking are healthy and fun for short trips. The four Greenways are the only north/south bike routes recommended in the 2015 Pasadena Bike Plan, and the only low-volume streets that cross the 210 freeway. These streets are critical for Pasadena’s bike and pedestrian network.
Header image shows a Greenway in Portland. Image by Jennifer Dill in the article “A case for bike boulevards”