Community Support for Safe Greenways

The community has shown up to support safe Greenways again, and again, and again. Here, a packed house showed up to support All Ages & Abilities Greenways at an MSC meeting on October 24, 2023.

Over the past year, we’ve seen SO MUCH SUPPORT for All Ages & Abilities Family Greenways. Of course, that makes sense, since designing safe, quiet streets is good for everyone.

Endorsements from 15 local organizations

15 local organizations have endorsed All Ages & Abilities Greenways. As far as I know, that makes the Greenways the best supported transportation project in the history of Pasadena. This includes schools (PUSD, PCC, and Caltech), civic groups like the NAACP and League of Women Voters, and three city advisory commissions (Environmental, Transportation, and Accessibility and Disability).

The full list of supporting organizations is on the campaign webpage.

900 Signatures on Petitions of Support

Hundreds of comments of support at city council meetings: Again, and again, and again

Greenways have been discussed a few times by the Pasadena City Council and Municipal Services Committee. Each time, city council members hear from residents who want SAFE family Greenways.

September 13, 2022 - Municipal Services Committee

On September 13, 2022, dozens of people sent in emails and gave live comments asking for funding for family-friendly neighborhood Greenways.

Comments,  Comments, more comments, and more, and more, and even more.

September 19, 2022 - City Council Meeting

At the City Council meeting on September 19, 2022, over a hundred people wrote in letters of support and gave live comments, asking for funding for family-friendly neighborhood Greenways.

Comments: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

October 24, 2023 - Municipal Services Committee

On October 24, 2023, over 200 people wrote in letters of support and gave live comments, asking the city to adopt All Ages & Abilities guidelines for neighborhood Greenways.

Written comments from October 24, 2023:

Videos clips of the October 24 MSC meeting

Listen to 30 people describe the need for safe Greenways.

Councilmember Tyron Hampton: “I think that everything we do we should think about All Ages & Abilities.”

Councilmember Jason Lyon: “I want to do it. I want the Greenways.”

Support across the community

At city council meetings, in petitions, in emails, in endorsements, city council member comments, and letters of support: safe, family Greenways have support across the Pasadena community. These routes are a critical piece of our plan for a healthy, livable city, and we deserve streets that are designed for everyone.


Pedestrian / cyclist collision


Canceling Freeways is Awesome