Pasadena’s Reasons for Safe Greenways

Pasadena residents have shown overwhelming support for safe Greenways.

  • 17 organizations have endorsed Greenways designed for All Ages & Abilities

  • Over 900 People have signed petitions of support for Safe Greenways

On one petition, we asked people to tell us why All Ages and Abilities Greenways are important. We got back well over 100 inspiring answers! Below, we list 100 reasons, all from people who list a Pasadena area zip code as their home.

The answers reveal a broad set of reasons people in Pasadena want safe streets: for families, for affordable transportation, and for a livable city. For the most part, these are not “activists”, but every-day residents hoping our city will be a more comfortable place to live, work, and shop. We hope you will find their words inspiring, and add your voice.

Why are safe greenways important to you?

My own children could use this street to bike to their middle school, thereby reducing the need to use the family car with all the benefits to the family and community associated with the reduction of car traffic especially in the morning hours. -Philippe G.

As a mom, a teacher, and the spouse of an avid cyclist, it is important to me that all transportation projects in pasadena are safe for people of all ages and abilities. -Erin K.

Safe bike routes for me and my kids. -Mark S.

I ride my bike in pasadena several days per week, am a highly experienced “older rider” and i feel that many of pasadena's streets are not set up for the safety of anyone much less pedestrians and cyclists. i was nearly broadsided by an suv who ran a red light (crossing california). the list goes on. many things need to improve in order to change. -Joanne L.

Bicycle is my preferred method of transportation for the environment, my fitness, and my enjoyment of the city. increasing road safety for cyclists (particularly by providing dedicated bike paths, and visibility locations in intersections) would encourage better use of our shared roadways. -John W.

I try and take public transportation and ride around pasadena. one of the biggest obstacles to riding for people is how scary the streets are. -William D.

I want my family, friends, and me to be safe when we walk and bike around pasadena. -Candace S.

Pasadena streets are currently not safe for bike riders. our streets should be safe for bike riders of all ages and abilities. my family would love to ride our bikes together, but right now it is simply not safe, especially for children. -Holly O.

We should have a more equitable, safe environment for cyclists in pasadena. a great start is to implement the all ages and abilities safety standard on the existing n/s greenways. for streets abutting college campuses such as wilson and sierra bonita, a large percentage of students primarily ride their bikes to campus using these greenways. not only that, but many families and visitors also access campus through human-powered transportation. all of this conflicts with vehicular traffic. all of these greenways connect people to both recreation and resources, and the proposed all ages and abilities safety standard would additionally decrease vehicular traffic through providing a safe, friendly transportation alternative. -Sujung L.

Human-powered transit makes cities healthier and safer, why wouldn't we want a city that promotes our immediate and future well-being? I've been car-free since I moved to Pasadena and it's clear that cars are a lot less necessary than we think so why not build a city that encourages this wonderful lifestyle instead of promoting the status-quo of forcing everyone to pay for the dubious right to ride around in 2-ton death machines? -Melissa A.

My husband loves biking around pasadena, but i am terrified every time he goes he will get hit by a car. i want safety standards for his sake, but also, for anyone else in our city that want to ride a bike on our streets. -Bonnie J.

I bike for most as my main form of transportation. also, we need to reduce reliance on fossil fuels to address climate change. -Bert N.

I worry about bike and pedestrian safety on our streets. -Amanda S.

Elderly and children are especially vulnerable in the road. we should try to protect them. -David E.

I would like all to be safe especially beginner cyclists -Allan S.

I would like there to be far more bike lanes. cars are dirty, smelly, loud, cause vast amounts of pollution, regularly kill and injure people and destroy property. It is unfortunately pretty frightening riding a bike or even walking near many of the current monstrous vehicles trying to dominate our streets. Large high performance electric cars do reduce several kinds of combustion pollution but increase plastic and particulate pollution from tire and roadway wear. There's also the problem that gas powered vehicles are 40% of california's greenhouse gas emissions and we need to rapidly and permanently reduce emissions. bicycles and walking are probably the cheapest route to achieving steep emission reductions. -Diane T.

I and my family have been bicycle riders and commuters for up to 50 years. It is more important than ever for safe bicycling in our area for climate and congestion and the joy of getting around by bike. -Susan P.

Beating climate change requires getting around on foot and by bicycle more often. bikeways that are safe for all are a key step in this direction. -Neal T.

I love riding my bike to complete my daily local shopping needs. the lack of safe bike routes through pasadena's old narrow streets makes it much less desirable to risk with the increasingly aggressive automobile traffic we've been experiencing. -Fred S.

This is the future. -Lorali M.

Being able to bike safely for people of all ages makes our lives better and our city more vibrant, accessible, and raises our standard of living. it reduces traffic and provides a greater quality of life to pasadena citizens and “shows off” for our visitors. it shows pasafena cares and that active transportation and vehicle traffic reduction is important to our sense of community. -Gary T.

Cities that attract businesses and residents, that remain relevant decade after decade find ways to be more livable. biking, parks, quiet streets, walking and trees are for the future. -Thomas K.

Hyper-focus on car-centric infrastructure has trashed the climate and is detrimental to our physical and mental health. greenways demonstrate that there is a better way to get around that doesn't involve strapping oneself into a multi-ton metal box to pick up groceries two miles away. -Kelly M.

Because pasadena residents use bikes to get around and the current network of roads is insufficient to keep people safe while they move throughout the city. -Daniel J.

I like to ride my bike and walk in the area, and i would like to get home safely after. -Tiffany G.

Because I am an avid runner, cyclist, walker & resident of this area and have had many near misses with cars almost hitting me due to speed, lack of cross walks/stop signs ect. -Frankie Z.

Drivers don't pay attention anymore. only on a protected bike lane do i feel safe from cars. -Michael L.

I ride my bicycle all over Pasadena as my only mode of transportation. The public ways are car-dominated, and I believe that making these spaces more accessible and safe for human-powered traffic will have the additional effect of creating more community space in our city. Community is the heart of things: sharing ideas, making change that benefits everyone, public discourse, and just plain not being lonely! I think getting these greenways right is an important step in the right direction. -Krishanu S.

We really need to get more people out of their cars to address the climate emergency and the crisis of traffic violence. i personally know people who would drive a very short distance instead of walking or biking because they don't feel safe. it's important to have a network safe for active transport, and having these 4 north-south greenways will help pasadena to build such a network. -Lambda M.

Safe streets means more pedestrian, bike, and non car traffic as people will be more willing to use non-car transportation. -Cy P.

Ensuring safe greenways for alternative transportation, walking, and biking enhances our community and supports a more healthy, united city. -Lidia G.

I bicycle around town for all my daily errands. i'd like myself and others to be safe and comfortable as possible while biking around town. -Mike J.

Streets are public spaces for all, not just cars. this is a step toward realizing that reality. -Sean M.

Pasadena residents and visitors would benefit greatly - more climate-friendly, exercise-friendly and safer for all. -Meg A.

I am a cyclist, a bike commuter, a walker, a runner, and a taxpayer. this is a great step towards the safety of all residents in the area. -Carmichael A.

As an avid cyclist and someone who rides the streets of pasadena on a regular basis, having a cycling infrastructure which caters to cyclists of all abilities is critically important for a variety of reasons. including the safety of vulnerable road users, cleaner air, less noise pollution from motor vehicles along with increasing the health of active road users. thank you! -Robert R.

Green transportation, safer streets, and getting more people to exercise! -Chi A.

We need safer & designated routes for all cyclists -Manuel C.

Pasadena should be a cycling paradise! instead it's a traffic nightmare. this is a start! -Rob N.

We desperately need to reduce car usage in our cities for our health and climate goals. i love biking around pasadena given the great atmosphere and weather, but even as an experienced, cautious urban cyclist i've had too many close calls with vehicles. many friends would love to try biking (or they even biked frequently during the low-traffic pandemic months), but are terrified by the thought of biking for transportation while fighting cars for space on the roads. the north-south corridor is especially precarious, given the chaotic 210 crossings with no good pedestrian/bike access protection. this also makes it difficult to reach existing transport lines, like the gold line stations. let's make our city accessible for everyone and promote better, safer transportation methods. -Gabrielle M.

I am a life-long cyclist who wants to see more safe, smart bike lanes in pasadena. the people who already cycle deserve more options to travel safely, and it is the best way to incentivize more people to leave their cars at home and go green. -Amanda W.

I commute in Altadena and Pasadena via bicycle as well as enjoy recreational cycling throughout San Gabriel and San Fernando valleys. I cycled over 8000 miles in 2022. Please make bike lanes and bike paths in these valleys which will make it safer for all cyclists. Thank you. -Bryan M.

I love walking and biking in pasadena and i want it to be a safe option for all!! -Marianne W.

I took up cycling for exercise late in life and would like to see safer cycling areas for anyone who rides a bike, for transportation to work, shopping or just for fitness reasons. i've seen some close calls between cars and cyclists (and pedestrians!) and feel that there are many improvements and changes the city could make to it's road infrastructure to make it safer and encourage people to leave their cars at home and ride a bike to get coffee, etc. instead. this would improve traffic flow and has clean air and climate benefits also. -Donna G.

I bicycle frequently and want to feel safe riding on pasadena streets -Randolph H.

I want other kids to know the joy and independence that my kids felt when they started biking to school on their own when they were in 5th and 3rd grades (in another, more bike-friendly city). i can't, in good conscience, encourage families with elementary school age children to ride to school alone on our current streets. building the greenways to the aaa standards would be a huge step toward a great bike network in pasadena, making biking much more accessible to all. -Christy M.

My kid bikes to school and work. -Kathryn M.

Reducing car emissions is one of the most important things we can do to reduce ghg. -Tera L.

It is urgent that we reduce our ghg emissions immediately. and that we do so in a safe way. the pasadena complete streets coalition is supporting safe, ghg reducing multi-faceted transportation. i commend you and support you and thank you for your work! -Kathy B.

Safe biking infrastructure, especially north-south and connecting with the union cycle track would be amazing and really be the start of a great cycling network here in pasadena! -Justin W.

We need to make our streets safer and more efficient. take lanes away from cars and give them back to the people of this city. -Philip T.

We need to increase the safety of our streets and reduce car dependency. -Philip T.

Exercise, social, history -David E.

I love biking -Anthony M.

My family and i live in pasadena and bike often in pasadena and surrounding areas. i want safer streets. we can have a healthier and happier city if we implement these changes and more! i want pasadena to lead the way - complete streets, safe streets, sustainable and healthier city, please! -Susan L.

I enjoy living in an area that provides alternatives to cars. -ruth L.

Because it allows everyone to have a safe and healthy life -Nury A.

Wilson is my commute! to make it safe for biking, needs to be one-way one lane of auto traffic south (with catalina in other direction). wilson is too narrow for safe biking and two lanes of autos. -Paul W.

So I could safely get outside and explore the city in a safe way with my family -Keith L.

We think everybody should be safe -Mirna R.

I feel unsafe biking in pasadena, because the volume and speed of car traffic is potentially deadly. a network of safe and enjoyable cycle paths is necessary for bike commuting, recreational biking, and other forms of accessible non-car transportation. high quality protected bike lanes as part of a walkable, bikeable, and transit oriented city design are the only way forward for pasadena transportation to be safe, accessible, environmentally friendly, enjoyable, and fiscally sound. -David A.

I believe in the importance of safe and pleasant routes for people of all ages and abilities to get where they need to go. It's good for people and the planet! -Jenna C.

I love riding my bike, and i want to be safe and bike with my family protected! -Andrew C.

I ride my bike often. i need children to be safe and sound riding to and from school. i lived in amsterdam, one of the bike riding capitals in the world, and it rocks! -kathleen d.

I think safe streets and urbanism is crucially important for us to reduce car-dependency, lower global emissions, and make our cities more equitable and liveable. -Forrest G.

I love walking in pasadena and often use a bike to commute across town. i would love to have greenways and more walkable streets, especially around and connecting to old town! -Nandagopal M.

I just got an e bike and i realized how many streets aren't bicycle friendly let alone easy to maneuver for myself then it made me think of people who are in wheelchairs and i don't think the streets are as accessible as they could be. there are raised edges or no edge that's low to smoothly cross a cross walk. down villa st going towards n lake ave is bumpy and doesn't have smoother edges to cross or it's difficult to see where the lowered edge is located -Alexandra L.

As a daily bike/bus commuter to caltech, i cannot wait for the greenways (especially along wilson ave.) to be constructed. the greenways must be constructed in a way that is *safe* for bikers and pedestrians and limits the speed of cars on the road. -Christopher Y.

I am a senior citizen and carless. i go everywhere on foot, on my bicycle, or by mass transit. i live in an area with people of different ages and abilities and i want everyone to be able to get around safely. -Claudia F.

Since i moved to pasadena in 2011, my experience (living in the central district) has always been that the streets favor *cars* rather than *people/pedestrians*. (try crossing california st. by foot.) please implement the all ages and abilities safety standard for the four planned north-south greenways (and also focus on shade trees and overall city cooling). -Amy B.

Every time i walk in my neighborhood i feel as though i am risking my life. a pedestrian was run over and killed by a vehicle last year on the corner closest to my house. and in the previous two years, two automobile passengers and one motorcyclist were also killed in collisions due to extremely high vehicular speeds in the same block. thus, i fully support efforts like greenways that are designed to slow motor vehicle speeds and thus improve safety for pedestrians and bicyclists. -Brian B.

It will encourage new ridership becasue not everyone is strong enough to operate a self-propelled bicycle for longer periods of time (e.g., older people) and will reduce emissions from motorized bicycles at the micro level which affects pedestrians in particular. -MARSHA R.

Safety -Vladimir K.

Safer streets -Maria C.

Me and my loved ones ride our bikes to run errands and commute. i want to make streets safer for everyone. -Vanessa M.

I love to walk and am too afraid to bike in pasadena. -Cruz S.

I am tired of feeling unsafe in a car and outside of it. i am tired of the climate getting worse but our dependency on cars doesn't change. we need walkable neighborhoods. -Becky H.

I think pasadena should strive to think holistically about transportation. we are so blessed to live in an area that has historically experienced fairly dry, warm weather (this last spring notwithstanding). at present, i would say most people don't want to walk/ride because it's so unsafe trying to navigate around cars. i say this as someone who walks 3 miles to and from work every day and tries to utilize the bus and metro on weekends. the more people are able to walk and ride without cars being able to easily hit you, the more you'd see this city become re-born. -Mary R.

So that i could safely explore the neighborhood and interact with neighbors. it's also what a world class neighborhood should have. -Keith L.

My husband has been hit by driver twice while riding his bike. we're expecting our first child and i want him to be able to enjoy safe streets. -Banaffsheh M.

Making it safer for all to bike is extremely important and healthy. -Flavio A.

I want to see pasadena set the standard for a car free walkable city in los angeles and help shape the way for the future. -Matthew L.

I care about our future, improving public health, and reducing the impact on global warming. i ride my bike frequently and my father passed away in a cycling accident. safe streets for cyclists and pedestrians are important for me to feel safe while living my values. -Emma S.

Safety and accessibility for all. -Sarah D.

As a cyclist, I would love to see pasadena have more infrastructure for non motor vehicles. -Theodore H.

Biking is my main form of transportation. we need to get away from fossil fuels as much as possible. -Bert N.

We deserve a walkable city. we should be able to exercise without fear. -Xuan N.

As a new cyclist I want to be able to run all my errands and enjoy pasadena on my bike without the fear of aggressive drivers trying to end my life. I've never come to love pasadena more than experiencing it from my bike but as a new cyclist drivers still spook me (countless close calls) and safer infrastructure would make me feel at ease. -Estefanía G.

We need to get people out of cars and encourage walking and cycling. it's good for the environment, for health, and for safety, and it makes pasadena more attractive as a destination. let's make pasadena the amsterdam of california! -Colleen B.

I want safer streets so my children can walk to school. -Laura U.

I like to ride my bicycle -Sven K.

I have trained commuted and taught my kids to ride in pasadena for over 30 years and i think we should be prioritizing safe alternatives to car centric infrastructure to make our city even more beautiful and safe than it already is. -Robert B.

I have a new bike but am hesitant to ride it because it's so rough out there. i am looking forward to that union st. project to be completed. that poor bike is sitting there, waiting… -Tina J.

I ride my e-bike all over town and having safer pathways benefits both drivers and riders. -Len T.

I have been riding regularly in the city since we moved here in 2011. i am deeply disappointed at the lack of progress in providing safe facilities when there are abundant opportunities for improvements. i don't need wayfinding, i need safe facilities for myself and my family who also rides with me regularly. -Paul B.

Safe mobility for all. -Pete C.

I've been a cyclist in pasadena for nearly 20 years. while pasadena is a relatively bike-friendly city relative to others in the la metro region, safe and continuous north-south bike route have been a consistently weak link in the city's bike infrastructure. i'm encouraged to see these greenways are in the plan, but they need to serve the broadest range of riders possible to encourage adoption of cycling in the city more generally. -Andy W.

I believe that street design is central to street safety. The design promoted by Pasadena Complete Streets Coalition can improve street safety for everyone, especially bikers and pedestrians. -Jamie S.

Redesign of our city's streets to create a network of low-traffic, low-speed streets is essential for improving the quality of life in our residential neighborhoods, ensuring safety for pedestrians and bicyclists, and making pasadena a city where it is increasingly possible for people to circulate without cars. -Thomas P.

I believe that all people should be able to navigate our streets safely and efficiently. Our streets, in their current state, are deathtraps for anyone not driving a car and the statistics for pedestrian deaths in pasadena are horrible. -Jackson F.

Pasadena has a tradition of embracing progressive acts that are beneficial to all its residents. this safety standard would be a continuation of that tradition. -Jill S.

My partner was hit by a car in pasadena, snapping her collarbone in half. most everyone i know is afraid to bike here. but this could be a wonderful place to be a bicyclist if the city government makes the right decisions. -Sam D.

My husband bikes to work at caltech, and we both bike for fun in the areas proposed for greenways. -Jane V.

We are a young family with a toddler that enjoys commuting around pasadena on our ebikes together. as a long time pasadena resident and biker i've had way too many "close calls" with motorists while biking in pasadena streets. it goes without saying we need better and more biking friendly infrastructure in pasadena. the streets are for more than just cars! -Mike R.

I ride my bike a lot and would like my family to feel safe hiking with me on our trips around town. -Leon M.

I walk everywhere in pasadena, and have had so many near misses with drivers who speed, ignore crosswalks and even "walking " light signals. the more we can do to insure safety for pedestrians (and bikers), the better! -Nina G.

Pasadena streets should be so bikable and safe but sadly they aren't. -Michael T.

As a pasadena resident who occasionally commutes by bicycle, i understand the stresses of cycling on our roadways. i still believe that cycling is one of the best ways to enjoy our beautiful city and would like to see pasadena set an example for other cities with safer and more expensive bicycle infrastructure. -Justin G.

I ride and want the safety for myself and others -Barbara W.

I would use my bike much more for errands, visits, etc. if i felt safe and comfortable. -Rachel W.

Pasadena needs more safe streets to bike on. riding through these main thoroughfares doesn't need to be as dangerous as it currently is. it feels like mad max for cyclists out there. cars constantly pass me within inches and not feet. this city should also aspire to be green and even more walkable. reduce car lanes and think about closing streets in old town — even if just on weekends. -Adam C.

I am a bicyclist and walker and have a background in planning and transportation. This type urban enhancement is long overdue -Susan P.

Jonah Kanner

I think we should build some bike lanes in Pasadena.

Canceling Freeways is Awesome


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